Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fulbright Fellow ... Chap, maybe?

I really haven't had a chance to sit down at the computer - to blog, I mean. I am at the computer a lot: editing Arjun's Arangetram invitation and text for the brochure; sending a zillion emails back and forth between Guru, Shishya = student, and graphic artist!

I am popping in to share with you all that on July 15th, Ramesh officially became a Fulbright Research Fellow. All the paper work and approval came through on time, and the USEFI folks in Delhi are wonderfully prompt and a pleasure to deal with! Ramesh's research will deal with the development of Internet technologies in rural India, and their impact on a host of different issues, such as e-governance, communication, and business. Ramesh will continue to be hosted by IIT, where he will teach a course or two over the next nine months of the fellowship, but will primarily concentrate on his research. He is also finishing up editing a book on global issues relating to computer security, privacy, and law for IGI Global. He is making a tentative promise that he will post his experiences once a month - on a blog other than mine.

In the meanwhile, I hope you are all having a wonderful summer in the U.S. Keep popping in. I will be back to post later this month, when I am done with the brochure. Some topics swirling in my head include: Call center customer service (ha! and you thought you were the only one dealing with service in Bangalore!); Musicians off-Stage (any resemblance to real musicians is only coincidental!); and the ever popular "More Rules of the Road!"


1 comment:

Ranjani said...

Hi Ramya:
Congratulations to Ramesh-A Fulbright chap! It sounds so exciting. Will he be travelling a lot?

Definitely we are having a great summer 95F one day and a big thunderstorm in the evening(here in CT). My lillies are ready to bloom.

Did the invitation come out really good? How is Arjun's preparation going? Is he going to practice with Saketharaman? For what talam is he going to play thani? Is he cool or tensed?
It is wonderful that you are there doing all these for Arjun's arangetram. We will be in Pittsburgh on that day watching abhishekam. Best wishes for him! BTW, How is swathi and her music class? Is she singing for Arjun(to practice)?