This new apartment that we've moved in to used to be a single-family house. We are on the 2nd floor (3rd floor in the US. In India, we talk in terms of "ground floor," "first floor," "second floor," etc.,) and are surrounded by trees on 3 sides - coconut, neem and mango. It is a bright and sunny apartment and I hear the din of building work on either side of the house. Over the last 10 years, more and more single-family homes are being converted to apartment buildings to accommodate the growing urban population, coupled with the ability of home-owners to cash in on the considerable land appreciation in Chennai. It is Ramesh's parents 2nd home, and they have generously let us live there and pay a nominal rent that a college professor can afford on his meagre salary!!
Our journey to India was mercifully uneventful, and Akbar fared pretty well. JFK airport allowed us to have him with us until an hour before boarding, and we were able able to walk him in the sparse walking area of the International Terminal. 6.5 hours later, he came out of the "oversized baggage" belt, his tail thumping his crate with joy at seeing us. (Here he is at the Frankfurt airport) The cargo hold of the plane, I was assured, was identical in temperature and pressure to the cabin, though not lit. We were ecstatic with relief to see him. Frankfurt is a very dog-friendly airport. It was about 5 in the morning and very mild for a late December morn. Ramesh and I took turns walking him.
We had about 5 hours to spend, and were wandering about all over the airport with him in tow. At an airport restaurant, while we were asked to leave our hand-luggage outside, we could take him to our table! The young waiter promptly provided a large bowl of water to him before waiting on us! The Frankfurt-Chennai leg was rather long, with an hour delay on the runway. We arrived at the baggage area of the Chennai airport to hear him howl at me as I walked to retrieve him! (His crate and our luggage had arrived by the time we cleared immigation). The crowds, the general fear of dogs among Indians, and the Customs officer's urgings forced me to leave him in his crate and until we were well outside the terminal. Geetha and Raghavan (my sister and BIL) met us with their 2 cars to accommodate our 6 suitcases, dog crate, dog and paraphernalia.
December and January have not been as cool as I remembered them. The days are hot (in the high 70s, 80s) and nights are mild at 70 or thereabouts. Ramesh's parents' home in Mylapore (the last of the single family homes) has 10-15 feet of yard space in front, and 5 feet of space on the sides. Akbar was happy to negoitate the 4 steps in the house, but I had to walk him on the road to find a spot for him. Green grass is rare. However, piles of leaves in front of people's homes is more common. So, a month later, I find that he is quite happy to take care of business on that. He gets a walk around the block before 6 and a another long walk at night before bed. I am responsible for a mid-day outing and a 5 p.m. outing. These are often short and he is happy to come in from the bright sun. (It is only February 6th!)
Rajani and Schooling:
Rajani, on the other hand, had been anxious to settle in to a routine. She realizes that this is not the usual holiday trip. She missed her school friends and often asked for assurances about going back to Green Acres School, talked of dreaming about Jonathan or Angela or Lauren and Maya, and of my promise to get her a cat upon our return to North Haven. She wanted a school routine and wanted friends to play with. With Ramesh at IIT on the 3rd of January, and most schools with a June-April calendar also resuming on the 3rd, I had to start visiting schools. The biggest let down was that HeadStart, the school which Ramesh and I had hoped to get her in to, and with whose Principal I had had good conversations from the US, did not have space for her in 1st grade. (A minor matter that the Princiapl had failed to mention during our conversations!). The traditional schools would not even consider taking on a child this late in the year. (The term only had 3 months left. Schools closed for summer vacation in the 1st week of April).
I was told to try "Sishya" a school that ran from Jan-December. (I had turned it down in the earlier for the same reason!) Sishya only opened on the 21st, and its "Admission Committee" met every Wednesday. So, off we went, respectably dressed, with Ramesh taking a few hours of work, to present our case the committee, which met from 9-11:30. We thought we were early at 8:45. So had 42 other families! It was 12 noon when our turn came. I had long since dropped Ramesh at IIT, and Rajani had grown faint with hunger during the wait. The committee saw us briefly and told us there was no space in their 3 sections of 1st grade. However, we were welcome to visit them again next Wednesday! (One parent said that she had consistently "met" with the committee for 5 weeks in a row and had gotten admission for her daughter. My parents in law's tenant had to sleep out on the pavement to get in line for his child's pre-school admission to an unnamed "prestigious" school. Ramesh and I decided to pass on that! )
I had already visited Learning Tree, a Montessori school, in Shastri Nagar, quite near our apartment. It is a small school , with only 1st and 2nd grades, and a sizable pre-school (which is called Kindergarten here. KG comprised Lower KG (LKG) and Upper KG (UKG). Children 3+ attend KG. After 2 years, they go on 1st grade. Ms. Sudha Narayanan is a former Sishya teacher and has been running this school for 5 years. I met her, visited the place twice, found it small (the 1st and 2nd grades together total 15 children), reviewed their curriculum, and found it perfectly suitable for Rajani. She started school the day after Pongal, and has been happy to go everyday since then. The homework is a little more than she would have got at Green Acres. She learn math, handwriting, reading (not as advanced as she is capable of), spelling, followed by dictation (more than she knows. Yesterday, she learnt to spell "aeroplane") and Hindi. She has learnt the vowels so far, and has started on the consonants. She is not crazy about this. It is also quite out of context for her, since she hears, sees and speaks Tamil, rather than Hindi. But, alas, Learning Tree does not have the Tamil option.
She goes to school from 9 till 2. Speaking of which, I must be off to fetch her. I keep the car. Ramesh goes by auto, and has been threatening to get a bike, which I have firmly forbidden him to do, for his personal safety (traffic is hell, the distance only 3 kms). I will ask him to stop by and post a little blog about his campus experience. He seems to find the kids bright and enthusiastic - only the institution is staid and old fashioned. The campus is lovely - tree lined, spotted deer all around, very naughty monkeys that get into classrooms too! Everytime I drive him, I am sad that we don't live there. The housing that they provided us was quite inadequate for our needs.
How to reach us? Please use the blog to post comments, questions. While I promise to write something substantive at least once every 10 days or so, I will check every day for your remarks. I still have the same email. However, if you want to speak to me, or write an old fashioned letter, here are the details: [.... removed...]
Next post - House blessing ceremony, what I am doing with my self, my musical pursuits, and more! Ciao!
Hi Ramya, Ramesh, Rajani,
Nice to read that you guys are settling in, close to IIT Campus.
Akbar would have loved the Campus surroundings though! Didn't realise that school admission is so tough.. All best and Cheeeers!
Hi Ramya,
Looks like the family, including Akbar, is settling in to the daily routine in Chennai.
We got back from Chennai end of last month, after a rather hectic trip. Shouldn't have combined business with vacation!! I'm always amazed at the rate of change in India, even in just a few years - the rapid development, growing urban sprawl, a totally consumer driven society - makes us American visitors feel right at home :)
Regards to all.
I'm so happy to hear that the trip was 'uneventful,' rather than drama filled. I thought of you last weekend when I was in New Haven visiting some friends. Should be thankful that you are somewhere warm, we have had record low's on the East Coast. Look forward to reading more.
Hi Ramya, Ramesh and Rajani
Just last night I was thinking of you all, and wondering whether you took Akbar with you. Got answers to those questions today when I saw the blog.
Good to hear you are settled in Chennai. Makes me feel nostalgic.
IIT campus is beautiful. I remember that place from Chandru's days.
I am sure Rajani will get adjusted to her new school in no time. I will be very interested to hear your notes on the education system there.
Keep in touch.
Hi Ramya,
That was great reading. Uwe was fascinated by your adventure with the school admissions. I might use that story for one of my seminars some day:-).
Great to hear that all 4 of you are settling in well. And shame that we missed seeing you in Chennai this Jan. Hope to make up for that on our next visit.
Love to you all
Dear Ramya,
Glad to hear from you.
I am sure Rajani will get used to the routine and school in no time.
Murali said he could not connect with you in Chennai as you were not well. Hope you are feeling well now.
School admissions and process are not that great in Chennai. In fact, Suki Sivam had a 15 minute discussion on that and suggested that schools have a system just like the US embassy. I was able to find a spot for Raghav for next year in Sankara School, but the final move decision will be made by us some time in May. In any case, we plan to make a trip in June to spend the summer there.
Sanjeev and Raghav enjoyed the football game the past week-end. Murali arrived from Chennai just in time for that. They are learning 'Raghunayaka' in Hamsadwani.
Keep us updated on your new life. I might be in your neighborhood soon. Hello to Ramesh.
Hi Ramya,
I felt exhausted just reading about your experience with school admissions!!!
I also realised that we didn't get to chat about our old "friend" although we were supposed to when we communicated through the "blower". Will call soon.
Hi Ramya,
That made a good reading!We think of you all the time.I heard that you have a servant maid for the house.Do send some pictures.You are going to have a visitor soon!
Hello Rajani,
Do you have new friends in Chennai? What book did you read?Do you speak tamil now with patti and thatha? Give Akbar a hug from all of us.
Tara Periamma.
Dear Ramya:
THE YEAR IN INDIA-Mudhal Athyayam aarambame arumai. So, you have friends all around the house(neem tree, mango tree, coconut tree, no raking, wonderful!) I think thoongu moonji tree will be very beautiful, he will be awake all the time now he has his tree-loving friend with him. Ramesh's mother must have thought about you when she bought the house.Enjoy!
Akbar is going through lot of excitements-if only he could express his thoughts, he can have his own blog. Did you find a good vet for him?
It is very good to know that Kutti Rani is enjoying her school. Ask her to write something about her school, friends, etc.
Waiting for the next post, hope it will have something about your musical pursuit.
Hi Ramya,
We are planning to return to Chennai by Dec 07 and I was looking at Headstart school. My daughter will be 3 yrs in Nov 07, would appreciate if you could let me know some info abt the school and the admission procedures, my email id is
Congratulations on the Fulbright award. Arriba y arriba, (la bamba)
We are looking forward to your posting of Rajani’s play/dance photographs. We are sure it was as beautifully performed as “making new friends & keeping the old.” Beware the Latin hip shake; years back Alexandra quite enjoyed dancing in Venezuela; but the boys take notice.
Rest assured the chimney has been removed. i have emailed a photograph to you. Your insurance company won't recognize the home; much like Akbar’s after his haircut! Wowie wowie, what a difference.
Steve & Adrienne
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